Monday, December 30, 2019

Modernism And Existentialism - 1814 Words

During the modernist era of literature; a recurrent theme was prevalent in their works of art. The idea of existentialism revolving around the notion that you first experience life before you can begin to exist and understand yourself. This ideology stemmed from the main fear of the era; the end of the century. The fear of the unknown; the fear of what was to come in the following century (if it came) allowed for this ideology. When you believe time is running out, it puts a lot of things into perspective and allows for you to realize that while you might have certain values in life there are moments that will either solidify them or change them. Therefore, experiences rather than internalized beliefs are what makes a person who they are.†¦show more content†¦They, above—the Council in Europe, you know—mean him to be† (29). Throughout the entire trip people keep praising Kurtz (except the general manager) and this prepares Marlow for a very impressionable first impression. Marlow keeps thinking about Kurtz as this ideal man in the dark jungle. This of course is all shattered when Marlow meets him. Marlow, having hoped to meet someone who would not have been corrupted by the exposure of the jungle, meets Kurtz near death. This is moment of meeting is crucial for Marlow because it is turning point for his ideals. They meet the harsh truth that even the most idealistic, charismatic ones can be corrupted. Marlow loses his faith in his home and everything they represent because when he goes back, Marlow refuses to speak with people. He walks around disenchanted by the propaganda that Europe spews about Africa; and he is embittered that the people back home can not see through it. This shows how experiences shape who you become and how you identify in the world because that is the difference between Marlow and the common person back home: Marlow experience the Congo firsthand and therefore will always identify with those events. Similarly, Kurtz’s values and perception of himself change through the realization of his final moments in his iconic last words: â€Å"the horror, the horror† (116). Kurtz, although having started off as idealistic as the rest of the Europeans, becomes corrupt once he begins to live in the jungle and at hisShow MoreRelated Enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and Postmodernism598 Words   |  3 PagesEnlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and Postmodernism Literature: the enlightenment, romanticism, realism, modernism, and postmodernism†¦. Where does one begin? To some, those words can be as scary as the word computer is to others. This essay is designed to help you become a great literary interpreter. Getting the motivation is three fourths of the battle to getting into the heads of the artists. To begin, an outline of some of the literary movements has been provided. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay - 956 Words

I have witnessed traumatizing events, dying men, being shot, and I went behind enemy lines 11 separate times, all for my beloved country, yet I’m branded AWOL and equated to a coward! I served the Union Army valiantly and gave it my all for 4 entire years. My hard work and dedication were immense, I took on various jobs throughout the four years. Furthermore, I served as a nurse to aid all the wounded, I was a skilled courier and a spy. I love my country for giving me refuge when times were tough, thus, I was willing to give the ultimate sacrifice to preserve it. Countless times, I was nearly killed, but I did not care because I yearned for danger and a way to contribute during the war. I, Franklin Thompson, believe I should be reinstated†¦show more content†¦Perhaps it is unknown the magnitude of my accomplishments as a spy. Every single time I went behind rebel lines there was valuable information brought back to aid the Union. For instance, my first mission brought awareness to the Confederacy’s weapons, which is crucial. Knowing weapons allowed the Union to fortify our battle plan, and generate one that provided the necessary defenses for the South’s weapons. We might have never known the Confederacy’s artillery if it was not for my mission. Additionally, the battle that took place because of the information I gathered resulted in a Union win, which demonstrates the impact of my work. My mission as Bridget O’Shea exposed the Confederacy’s battle plan of ambushing Union soldiers, if I had not found this out, countless lives would have been lost due to our oblivion. As Charles Mayberry, perhaps my most daring mission, I was a detective that had to reveal who the Confederacy’s mole was. My duty was imperative due to the mole delivering Union plans to the Confederacy, hence, they knew the Union’s every move. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Teoria De Los Rasgos Del Liderazgo Education Essay Free Essays

La teor a se basa de la propuesta de que los lderes eficaces disfrutan de rasgos y caracter sticas personales que pueden influir casualmente con EL exito. Los lideres que alcanza EL exito, alcanza una altura city manager de un metro noventa, esta teoria sostiene que aparte de este resultado responde asi a tal caracteristica. Se admite que los lideres deben tener rasgos en comun, pero EL concepto esencial, es mas alla de los numeros de rasgos, existe una relacion insouciant entre estos Y sobre EL triunfo del lider. We will write a custom essay sample on Teoria De Los Rasgos Del Liderazgo Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Segun los autores Ordway Tead, Chester Barnard [ 1 ] Y Erwin Schell que se destacaron asi en la escuela de los rasgos, ellos mencionan que esta teoria sostiene a traves de los rasgos del liderazgo esta difundido en la poblacion y puede observase Y medir, su posicion Es vinculada con EL logro que tiene EL liderazgo. La hipotesis de la vacante del lider seria buscar un candidato con cualidades que se asocien con los lideres que logran exito. Esta teoria define Las caracteristicas en la mayoria de los individuos categorizandolos como: atrevido, como character sociales, honradas y timidas. La personalidad estudiada en terminos de interaccion de los rasgos mas o menos independientes, Las actitudes y valores. Si las educadoras o docentes en cada faceta de su rol procuran comportarse de una manera mas adecuada, entonces este docente estara ensenando a Sus alumnos ( as ) a comunicarse Y a desenvolverse de modo mas armonico y justo, esto precisamente de lo que trata la formacion del lider. 2.3.6 Teoria de la Interaccion del liderazgo. Esta teoria Se caracteriza Al enfoque de la importancia que aseguran La interacciones entre la educadora y Sus alumnos. Esta teoria tiene como fundamento en la proposicion de exigencia de situaciones y necesidades tanto emotivas como intelectuales, requeridas parity efectuar asi una tarea parity que influya en la eleccion de un lider. Esta interaccion entre lideres y los grupos que desarrollan una actividad tal que constantemente asignan roles del lider hacia los miembros de un grupo. En esta teoria existe La traslacion Y asimilacion de actividades y funciones a realizar en el lider que pueden ser asumidas por un miembro del grupo, lo que permite asimilar facilmente el rol del lider. Esta teoria Se caracteriza Al enfoque de la importancia que aseguran La interacciones entre la educadora y Sus alumnos. 2.6 Liderazgo Transaccional y transformacional. El lider transaccional Es aquel donde EL lider reconoce lo que quiere conseguir en el trabajo Y lo garantiza con conseguir los resultados requeridos. Este liderazgo O EL lider intercambian estimulos por respuestas a La vez responde a los intereses de las characters con quien trabaja Si ellos mismo responde a su trabajo. Hace ampliar EL esfuerzo que conduce Al desempeno esperado. Los lideres transaccionales reconocen las necesidades de Sus subordinadores para asi cumplir los objetivos propuestos. Aclaran las funciones y las tareas organizacionales, instauran una estructura organizacional, permite Al desempeno Y toman en cuenta asi Las necesidades sociales de los seguidores. Trabaja intensamente vitamin E intenta dirigir a La organizacion con eficiencia Y eficacia. â€Å"Liderazgo transformacional como opuesto Al â€Å"liderazgo transaccional† que Es mas rutinario Y diario† ( Bernard Boss 1981 ) . Este liderazgo logra excepcionales efecto en los subordinados cambiando asi La bases motivacional del individuo desde una motivacion comun hasta llevarla Al compromiso a su vez eleva los deseos de logro y autodesarrollo de los seguidores y a su vez promueve EL desarrollo de grupo y organizaciones. Los lideres transformacionales articulan una vision vitamin E inspiraran a Sus seguidores y poseen asi La capacidad de influir, de adecuar la cultura organizacional Y de hacer en ambiente favourable parity EL cambio organizacional. [ 1 ] Fue un estadounidense de negocios ejecutivos, administrador publico, y el autor de un trabajo pionero en la gestion de la teoria y los estudios organizacionales. How to cite Teoria De Los Rasgos Del Liderazgo Education Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Case Study of James Healthcare Centre - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss abouta Case Study of James Healthcare Centre. Answer: Functional and Non-Functional Requirements Functional Requirements The functional requirements that have been identified for JHC's (James Healthcare Centre) new information system are listed as below: Electronic Medical Records (EMR): It is referred to the documentation that is associated with the data of patients to be stored in the information system. The information system will hold personal information of the patient along with the record of their treatment information. The tests, diagnosed diseases along with other information related to health conditions will be stored within the EMR. The storing of such information related to patients will facilitate monitoring of data over the time. This module in the system will help to keep track of the certain parameters on the health of a patient such as blood pressure at a regular interval. Database: The database acts as the backend platform for any system which is required for storage of information. The database for the new information system will comprise every record starting from EMR to payroll of the employee. There will be a centralized database associated with the system so that it can be accessed by the every user according to their predefined roles and authorization. There will be implementation of methods like verification and validation for checking the accuracy and reliability of the data that is being input prior to storing in the database. The encryption of the database is also required for increasing the security of the information residing in the database. Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS): It is referred to as the application that can be used to analyze data such that healthcare providers can make decisions. The decisions will relate to the clinical procedures that must be followed in context to the present health conditions of the patient. This module will be aggregated as a part of decision support system in the new information system. The existing employees such as nurses, physicians along with other healthcare professionals in JHC (James Healthcare Centre) will be able to utilize the CDSS so as to prepare a diagnosis and reviewing that for enhancing the required outcome. Different protocols will be used by CDSS for utilizing the data of patients with the help of an interface engine. The system will display only the information that is authorized according to the user access level. Data Mining: This is an essential concept related to big data sets or large databases in context to the any information system. The mining of data will be processed by information system of the organization so as to evaluate the medical history of patients and associated clinical research that is relevant for the present context. Data mining will be used by the organization for recognition of possible events ranging from symptoms identified for diseases to the application of medicinal drugs. Computerized physician order entry (CPOE): It is considered as the process for entering the order for medicines required by the medical professionals. The organization will be able to eliminate the issues that often occur due to unrecognizable handwriting. Billing: The system must be implemented with functionality such that it will automatically calculate the amount that have to be paid by the patient. There will be automatic generation of bill on behalf of the medicinal services provide to a patient as a discharge procedure. The bill will reflect the entire breakdown and the costs that have been incurred for each treatment process carried out on the patient. Tracking of Attendance: The system will also store the information related to attendance of the employees in the organization. The system must be able to display the stored information as per request of end-user to generate reports. Audit: The system must have the capability to perform audits based on the stored data and generation of audit reports in a well-designed and presentable format for stakeholders associated with the organization. The internal controls used for the development of the information system should be analyzed for creation of an audit planning and the responsibility, authority and accountability should be defined. The analysis of the risk also important and it should be divided into internet risk, control risk and detection risk. The audit is performed after establishment of the internal review and gathering evidence for supporting the findings in the audit. Payroll: The system must have the provision to process information related to the salary of staffs along with other expense and benefits offered by the organization. Appointment: The system should support the process of online appointment so that the patient can schedule their visit for medical checkup as per own convenience. Non-Functional Requirements The non-functional requirements that have been identified for JHC's (James Healthcare Centre) new information system are listed as below: Security: Security is an essential feature that have to be implemented in almost any information system to ensure safety of the stored data. In the new information system of JHC, there will be records on personal information of patients hence proper security measures have to be implemented. The system must be able to protect sensitive information from external threats or unauthorized access. The increase in the cyber-attacks have raised as a major concern related to information systems so the organization can implement third party security applications. There will be application of various protocols on the system of end-users for preventing exploitation attacks. Availability: This feature is significant in context to the new information system as there is a requirement that the system must be accessible 24x7 for business processes. The downtime of the system will result into disruption of all the business process that are running within the organization. There is a requirement to develop an IT team with specialized persons for maintaining the system and retain the functionality. Usability: It is referred to as the feature that will ensure suitable interaction of end users with the system. The system must be easily accessible and have an easy to use interface so that the users are able to easily operate the system. The system will display different interfaces for different users according to predefined roles and authorization level. The development team for the system will conduct feedback analysis by gathering data on the design of the user interface so as to make it simpler for the end users. Scalability: This term relates to the capability of the system in context to management of resources. The management of resources is an essential element for savings on cost incurred due to the information system. The system must be able to provide provisions for making decisions on how to reduce the utilization of resources for running the business processes. Identification of Use Cases and Use Case Diagram: It is also known as the behavior diagram and drawn after analyzing the set of action that the information system should perform in collaboration with the other users for meeting the requirement of the organization. It demonstrates the interaction between the actor and the cases. Domain Model Class Diagram: The above diagram is created by analyzing the classes and identification of its member, it acts as a static diagram for the development team for the identification of the structure of the hospital and relationship of the staffs, patients and the other members of the organization. Event Based Partition System: The above diagram is used in the development of the information system such that the designer and the analysts can find the functionality of the information system and develop the information accordingly. SDLC Phases: The functional requirement suggests that the information system required to be developed is complex and it has different subsystems within it. Hence to omit the complexity SDLC model should be equipped with the considered model is designed to handle complex projects. The model follows a realistic approach towards development of the information system. The agile methodology is selected for the development of the healthcare information system because the agile approach is highly flexible and it can adopt the changes in the information system during the phases of development. The model is also designed to encourage cross-training and team efforts. Non-functional requirement demands usability can be achieved by the partial work solution as it is beneficial in gathering end-users feedback (GUPTA LAXMI, 2015). When compared with other models, the subject requires lesser effort in planning the project hence, enabling the team (project) to manage the processes more accurately and comfortabl y. The agile model offers flexibility to the developers which is required in the considered project. Construction iterations, end game, pre-project planning, production, project initiation and retirement are the phases of the agile model. Insight into the phases mentioned above with consideration to the JHC system development are stated as follows: Pre-project Planning: Pre-project planning or iteration-1 consists of projects success, business process opportunities and feasibility assessment. JHC can build a better future for themselves by implementing IT infrastructure accurately and by enhancing the system processes as it already has a very well-built customer base. JHC can improve their customer satisfaction level as the system will be enabled with the capability of handling the request of the patients quickly and easily (Jamro, 2015). This phase will also assist the organization to build a further stronger customer base by attracting new customers. JHCs stakeholders are hoping for a better environment at the healthcare Centre where their requests process is quick, and the departmental communication is effective. Implementation of the information system is the most suited strategy for the subject of the paper in the current situation (Alshamrani Bahattab, 2015). Business process execution will also get cost-efficient after the implementation of the system. The goodwill of the organization will also get a boost after the implementation. The discussion above can be emphasized to state that implementing the system is viable for the subject when considered socially, economically and technologically. Project Initiation: The fund for the project will be sanctioned after a meeting between the project team manager and the sponsors along with the stakeholders of the firm. A detailed discussion of various factors involved in the project and the validity of the project will be done during the meeting. A decision on the members of the team will also be made by the manager (project) with Jack Carpenters involvement (Karim, Saba Albuolayan, 2017). After receiving the permission to proceed with the project Jayden Greig will be approached to develop the required environment and purchasing of the needed equipment. The project manager will be burdened with estimating the budget. Construction Iterations: The project team will develop high standard applications within this phase. Based on the working application, feedbacks from the end-users will be received. The next step will be to develop the application taking the basis of the data identified by the designers and the analysts. The system developers will pursue the development of the application (Sharma Misra, 2017). The application will receive an upgrade based on the feedback received and hence ensure the quality of the system. Excessive manner testing of the developed application will also be pursued in the ongoing phase. Emily Cox will head the evaluation process for the end-users feedbacks. Transition: Deployment of the project is done during this phase. After receiving all the feedback from the users that have been implemented in the system, the team will proceed with the final testing of the system. This phase also serves the purpose of end-users training and developing documents to assist the end-user in accessing the system (Summers, Joshi Morkos, 2014). The users are engaged in the testing phase and their feedback are documented for application of any improvement in the developed information system. Production: The purpose of this phase is to keep a check on the operations after the deployment of the system in the organization. If any error is found in the product it is resolved for increasing the security of the information system and deliver a quality software application. Retirement: This phases server the purpose of retiring the older systems and on occasions the operational system. At the retirement phase of the project the functionality and the features are analyzed for replacing it with a new information system. 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