Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Poem Starry Night - 853 Words

â€Å"Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul,† said William Maugham, a British playwright from the 19th century. Vincent Van Gogh, an artist who is considered by many one of the most inspirational artists in history, was no stranger to depicting his struggles in life or feelings in his work. Van Gogh’s piece Starry Night, designed in the year 1889, shows this to be true in that it was the result of his experiences in an asylum that encouraged this piece. Despite this work has being so well known, many critics and observers of the piece have differing views on what he was trying to communicate through it. Two prime examples of this can be seen by the views expressed in the poems entitled, â€Å"Vincent† and â€Å"The Starry Night†, written by Don McClean and Anne Sexton, respectively. While the poem â€Å"Vincent†, has a depressing tone to it, â€Å"The Starry Night†, by Anne Sexton, depicts Starry N ight as having a more lively mood, which more accurately represents that of the painting, by Vincent Van Gogh. Within the poem â€Å"Vincent†, written by Don McClean, a sense of a depressing mood is created through the use of dark diction, detail and figurative language. Throughout his poem, McClean expresses some of his thoughts, on Starry Night, by incorporating words like, â€Å"no hope† as well as â€Å"suffering†. Along with this, at one point in the poem he says, â€Å"the silver thorn of bloody rose lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow†. With the use of these words,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem The Starry Night Essay2195 Words   |  9 PagesContemporary Literature September 18, 2016 Introduction I’m going to analyze one poem that I read during this course. The poem I’ve chosen is: The Starry Night. 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